Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Assignment solution of CRM MKT610
The Assignment of customer Relationship Management.
Student Name: --------------
Student ID: ------------------
Answer NO 1:
Advertising and R & D expenditures will be affected by the costs of production. This
decision process is further complicated by oligopolistic rivalry in terms of price, output,
advertising and R & D.
The major disadvantages made by the of U- Cop were to spend less on the advertising.
Because advertising helps you in reach a large no of peoples in a given period and in a
specific geographic area. The A-Cop wins over the marketplace from U-Corp through
advertising. Because the advertising is targeted to those who are most frequently
wanted to buy the product of yours company. So the lack of attention towards the
advertising was the major reason to loose its position. This was the major disadvantage
of U-Cop while competing with the A-Cop. Advertising campaigns often precede the
actual selling of new products. The U-Cop failed in this dimension than to A-Cop.
Answer No 2:
The main objective of the marketing is creating the value of a customer. An
opportunity is only valuable if it helps the company get where it wants, or needs, to go.
Companies that spend more on advertising certainly represent a revenue opportunity
for ad agencies and for the owners of broadcast and print media outlets. Of critical
relevance, however, is how much of an opportunity it represents for a marketer -- the
one spending the money.
Both the firms failed to realize the customer realization by spending more on
It is less expensive for the firm to improve customer than to spend more on the
advertising. Both the company should deliver a particular value customer proposition
to a definable market to exist. Above mentioned three steps are the mistakes made by
both the firm.
Answer No 3:
Strategy of an organization is the roadmap towards attainment of its long term goals
and objectives. Organizational strategy consists of planning, organizing, execution,
and control activities. Changes in information technology, in the financial system, in
just-in-time production techniques, and in the rise of companies offering distribution
and support systems which previously only the largest companies could afford --
removing the advantages of being big. The diseconomies of scale - overhead,
inflexibility -- are becoming increasingly powerful.
To compete effectively the U_ Cop must follow the above strategy and the customer
improvement experience than advertising promotion. In This way the UCop
could win back the lost position in the market.
The U-Cope must have the following strategy to compete effectively:
Assessment of strategies
Competitor perceptions
Effectiveness of current operations
Competitor capabilities
Long-term market prospects
Answer NO 4:
To avoid the price war there are some steps involved to avoid the price war.
Identify the customer problem:
Estimate the financial impact of the problem:
Determine the root causes of the problem:
Estimate the financial impact of these root causes:
Create a cost not buying statement:

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