Wednesday, July 7, 2010

MGMT628 GDB # 2 Solution

MGMT628 GDB # 2 Solution:
Evaluation is concerned with providing feed-back to practitioners and organization members about the progress and impact of interventions. Such information may suggest the need for further diagnosis and modification of the change program, or it may show that the intervention is successful. Institutionalization involves making a particular change a permanent part of the organization’s normal functioning. It ensures that the results of successful change programs persist over time. Evaluation processes consider both the implementation success of the intended intervention and the longterm results it produces.

Two key aspects of effective evaluation are measurement and research design.
Measurement of the intervention variables helps determine the correct interpretation of outcome measures. As suggested above, the choice of intervention variables to measure should derive from the conceptual framework underlying the OD intervention.
The process is started to adopt the change, or to incorporate it,, where as bureaucratic and post bureaucratic organizations failed in a turbulent environment because they wanted their internal environment to remain constant (same, as it was before), and they resisted the change. a
Three step process, given below
• Unfreeze
• Make the necessary changes
• Re-freeze

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