Q1. Kinesics behavior, paralanguage, proximity are some aspects of Non-Verbal
Communication. Discuss all seven aspects of Non-Verbal Communication?
Seven different aspects of Non Verbal Communication:
Theoretical writings and research classify nonverbal communication into seven main
1. Body movement (kinesics behavior):
Body movement, or kinesics behavior, includes movement of the hands, head, feet and
legs, posture, eye movements and facial expressions – all these affect the message.
Body posture – the way a person stands, leans forward, pointing and shaking a finger at
someone, is seen as trying to dominate the other person. The way this is received by others, and
the type of feedback given, determines how the communication will flow.
2. Physical characteristics:
Physical characteristics such as body shape, general attractiveness, body and breathe
odors, weight, hair and skin color are important parts of nonverbal communication.
Because people react and respond to these factors, they all determine their responses in
interpersonal encounters. First impressions and images of others can be associated unconsciously
with past experiences of people with similar physical characteristics.
3. Touching behavior:
Touching behavior or haptics is putting a hand or other body part in contact with
another. For example pat, hug embrace, stroke. Significant culture and gender differences are
found in touching behavior.
4. Vocal qualities (paralanguage): Paralanguage is that part of language associated with but not
involving the word system. It consists of the voice qualities and vocalizations that affect how
something is said rather than what is said.
Voice qualities include:
• Pitch range
• Pitch control
• Rhythm control
• Tempo
• Articulation control
• Resonance.
5. Space (proximity)
Proximity means nearness, in terms of physical space. How people use their personal
space and that of others communicates a message. This response to spatial relationships in
formal, informal and intimate setting indicates how that person perceives and feels in that space.
People also use their height and weight to convey a message. If you tower over other
people in a way that intrudes on their personal space you may cause their discomfort and
6. Artifacts
Artifacts are objects used to convey nonverbal messages about self-concept, image,
mood, feeling or style. For example, perfume, clothes, lipstick, glasses and hairpieces project the
style or mood of the wearer. Many artifacts are common to the group but we also use artifacts,
particularly clothing, as an individual form of communication.
Appearance and cloth are important and highly visible parts of nonverbal communication.
Consider the different between the clothes you wear to the beach and the clothes you wear to a
job interview. The choice of clothes reflects your mood and your attitude to the occasion. Other
people note and place their own interpretation on your dress.
Even if you decide you will not bother about personal appearance or clothes, others will
read this message as part of your nonverbal communication.
7. Environment
The environment can influence the outcome of communication. For this reason,
organization gives careful consideration to office space, factory layout, the sales area and
conference venues. The environment should put people at ease and match their expectations; an
unsuitable environment can produce ‘noise’ that causes communication barriers and interferes
with the communication process.
Q2. What makes Rhetorical Theory different from other communication theories?
Explain briefly
Rhetorical theory is the third and most important theory of communication. Rhetorical theory
is based on persuasion. The speaker, who wants to persuade other peoples, will consider the three
· Logical
· Emotional
· Ethical
Rhetorical theory is very important than other two social and electronic theories because:
· It has more dimension than other two theories
· It is quick responsive than other two theories.
· It is circular, not linear
· It is more understandable and result achievable.
· Many people accurate their mistakes and can produce the desired result from the
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